KEYNOTE: "I recognize my other self and in the waning of that self, I grow and glow." - Lucis Trust

Positive Qualities of Gemini

  • Great thinker
  • Quick minded
  • Lighthearted
  • Cheerful
  • Extremely intelligent
  • Versatile and multi-talented
  • Adaptable
  • Sensitive to others
  • Clear and objective thinking
  • Precise

« Hercules Labor II - The Capture of the Cretan Bull (Taurus)

Hercules Labor III - Gathering the Golden Apples of the Hesperides (Gemini)

by Cynthia Guerrero de Leon

Hercules is asked to search the sacred tree i the garden of the Hesperides which bears golden apples. The garden is said to be protected by a hundred-headed dragon and three virgins. Hercules travels throughout the land, but is deaf to the inner voice and blind for all signs along the way. To the South, he triumphantly wrestles with Antaeus, the serpent in the place of darkness. To the West, he bonds with Busiris, the great deceiver and so of the waters, who pretends to know the truth alone. Later Hercules realizes that “Truth lies within yourself” and breaks the bond. Then he meets Prometheus, who is chained upon a rock, his liver being eaten by the vultures. Hercules breaks the chain, frees Prometheus and nurses his wounds. To the East, he meets Atlas, the giant who is carrying the load of the worlds on his back. Hercules decides to aid Atlas by taking some of the load o his own back. The load rolls off - he and Atlas stand free. From the hands of Atlas, Hercules gets the golden apples and the three virgins await him with more apples, declaring that “The Way to us is always marked by service.” Hercules gives back the apples to the three virgins.

Lesson: This labor teaches us that the lower nature, usually deaf and blind to the inner cues, must recognize the presence of the Higher Self and let it radiate (our lower and higher selves are symbolized by the Gemini twins). We must pass the test of sincerity, alertness, constancy of aim & effort, accurate perception, compassion and loving service for others in order to attain freedom from bondage of the mind (Prometheus unbound) and freedom from carrying the “weight of the world” (Atlas unloaded); thereby gaining the Fruits of Wisdom (the golden apples).

Hercules Labor IV - The Capture of the Cerynitian Hind (Cancer) »